I woke up and looked at my night table, and and realized that my tooth was still laying there I got out of my room and found out that my parents were awake. "Mom, why didn't the tooth fairy take my tooth?"
Then there was a long pause. "Ummm,mabey she could not see in the dark." "Thats akward." I said and went back to my room.
Then that night I was in my room with my mom, and we were talking about that day.THen I started to talk about the tooth fairyand how wierd it was that she didnt take my tooth.Then she gave a grin. "Whats so funny?" I asked. "Ohh nothing."she said.Then I realized that she was up to something.
"Wait a minute.Are..." THen there was a long pause."Are you the tooth fairy!!?" Then she started laughing. "ARE YOU!!!??" I shouted. "Yes."she said while laughing. "I knew it all along."
But then I had something else in my head. "So does that mean your SANTA CLAUSE!!!"
Then she smiled and nidded her head.Now my years with Santa are over.Solong Santa and The Tooth Fairy.